Thursday, 15 April 2010

Election time again

I used to be a die-hard Labour supporter, even spent evenings putting leaflets through doors.

Then they got into power and I saw the party change into something unrecognizable.

We've got mps fiddling petty expenses and not so petty ones.
They're whoring themselves out to the highest bidder in order in infulence policy.
I find myself in the position where I cannot in good conscience vote for them this time round. But then who can I vote for?

With the tories you expected a little sleeze, cash for questions and bundles of grotty fivers in brown envelopes. But at least they resigned when they got caught. Or decided to "spend more time with their family"

The Liberals might be interesting but my local Lib Dem MP has created so much junk mail that has passed through my letter box that his carbon foot print must be bigger than China's.

So who to vote for? Well would vote for Mark Thomas's candidate but I suspect that this is only because he let me speak on his radio show. That and I don't live in Bristol.

Maybe there will be a "Non of the above option"...

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